
What is Studentflix?

Studentflix is an innovative database system that collects and shares all university student films in one engaging, searchable central location. This service transcends individual university borders and enhances the teaching and telling of audio-visual stories everywhere.

How it works

Teachers and students have access to a complete library of student films through Studentflix, offering a worldclass film hosting & on-demand streaming platform. This library spans generations of tertiary study throughout Australia’s most prized universities.

Once partnered with an institution, we collect students’ films, encode them, and upload them.

It’s as simple as that.


“We believe that with a touch of inspiration, more connection and greater education, we can dramatically improve the teaching and telling of stories throughout Australia.”

- Ellis Curmi (Manager)




Studentflix offers a much-needed transformation to how student films are catalogued and viewed. Our infrastructure accommodates growth and evolution by providing an online library akin to those dedicated to PhDs for students & teachers alike.






Your film can be seen by many like-minded filmmakers and those seeking emergent talent within the film & television industry. You can also watch movies and be inspired by the creations of those around you.





Studentflix offers a variety of pricing models to help best support filmmakers:


Are you looking to support individual creators? Individual films can be rented for $2.99 or bought for $4.99. 70% of this cost goes directly back to individual filmmakers’ pockets.


Do you have a passion for film? You can watch as many films as you’d like for a yearly subscription of $69.99. Studentflix uses this raised money to fund our backend system, film screenings, among other initiatives. You are still strongly encouraged to support individual filmmakers by renting the films you love.


Are you looking to improve your craft or skills? A Student Yearly Subscription is an exclusive offer for students whose universities have already partnered with Studentflix. This subscription gives you complete access to all student films, including those submitted to film festivals.

It also includes the automated upload of your film to Studentflix and the ongoing ability to monetise your content. You will also receive permanent access to our exclusive Studentflix Discord Group.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What’s next?

    Studentflix is always looking to grow and improve in new ways. You can look forward to some exciting competitions, film screenings, and industry partnerships coming soon. Please follow our social media for more information and keep up to date with all things Studentflix!

  • Can I still submit my film to festivals?

    Yes! We encourage all students to submit their films to short film festivals. Films submitted to festivals will not be available to the general public until after the film festival is over. These films will remain on our servers but visible only to students and teachers. Additionally, we are more than happy to hold off the release of your film until you are comfortable for us to do so.

  • Who owns the rights to your movie?

    You do! Or, in some cases, your university does. Studentflix doesn’t own any of the films; we provide a platform for them to be seen.

  • How do students receive payment for their short films?

    Money is deposited into your nominated bank account each time your film is rented or bought. We strongly suggest that this goes to your producer or a nominated bank account for the team.

  • Can I show my film anywhere else?

    Of course you can! However, we strongly encourage that for crowdfunding purposes, you show your film here first.

  • How do I contact Studentflix?

    If you have any more questions, please reach out to info@studentflix.com.au.