

Studentflix offers a much-needed transformation to how student films are catalogued and viewed. Our infrastructure accommodates growth and evolution by providing an online library akin to those dedicated to PhDs for students & teachers alike.

Shareable insights (analytics & data) are provided to individual universities once partnered with Studentflix. These insights will assist with learning about which films are successful, why, and which universities are leading the charge for most liked or viewed films, and much more.


Teachers can view a growing collection of past student work, offering valuable insights on what films work and why. These films can be shared with students to inspire and assist in teaching and communicating unique stories.


A student’s craft is improved by learning from artists of a similar ability to their own. We strongly encourage students to watch, engage with, and study other students films.

We encourage cross-university collaboration through an exclusive Studentflix Discord Group so that students can ‘learn through osmoses’ with fellow filmmakers in their own time.

This pays a dividend in the quality of the student’s final work, which reflects well on individual universities, and industry outcomes.